Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Train Your Brain

I’m a candy kind of girl. Although, I still love sugar my desire for it has died greatly in the last two years. I can’t eat nearly the amount I use to, which I believe part was nature and part was nurture. Regardless loosing that sweet tooth was not an easy task. Here’s a great article on training your brain to stop eating naughty . . .


Monday, November 7, 2011

The 4 C's

You’re sitting at home on a Sunday watching tv and all of a sudden this little urge comes over you, you know that feeling deep within you? WE’ve all been there, you can’t seem to fight it and it’s so powerful all you can do is think about it. It won’t go away. So you succumb, the craving wins. You think just ons as you meander over to the pantry and grab a cookie, cracker, a bite of cereal, or that leftover croissant you got from the coffee shop this morning. DON’T DO IT!
Why? Because these are 4 C’s that you should send away. I don’t care if you send them off with the proper brush off of c u next tuesday. Fact is, these are snacks that make you hungrier. These processed sugary carbs are what I like to call a rebound snack and send you right back for more naughty, and I do not mean the good kind . . . Clearly!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

There Must Be Something In Your Drink . . .

When Krank’d Body Fuel was debuted by JBN Inc, in 2002, it had been carefully crafted to change the lives of its consumers from the inside out. The creator not only wanted it to work its magic, but wanted it to taste great, too. With only 37 calories and packed full of 7 major key players in the fight against aging, Krank’d Body Fuel is something that everyone should have in their daily regimen. Here is why:
B-VITAMIN COMPLEX – Fuels the Body A precise blend of  B vitamins play an important part in synthesizing carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy that improves mental focus. They are also a contributor in maintaining healthy skin and muscle tone, not to mention enhancing the immune and nervous systems function. B-Vitamin Complex has been believed to help with the risk in pancreatic cancer.
MINERALS – Enhance Electrolyte Function During daily physical activity, the body loses vital minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and chromium that feed the heart and brain. Since muscle, heart, and brain function are dependant on the functionality of these minerals replenishing these essential minerals will help in electrolyte balance. Some examples of minerals that promote healthy skin, nails, hair and teeth found in Krank’d are Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Phosphate and Beta Carotene just to name a few.
ELECTROLYTES – Ensures Cellular Hydration The job of  Electrolytes is to help the body maintain normal fluid level balance inside and outside cellular membranes. When these fluid levels are balanced, your body has reached an isotonic state and the cell functions normally. An imbalance causes the cell to lose its continuity and your function is inhibited. The loss in electrolytes can cause the dehydration. People tend to drink when they are thirsty rather than before. The skin is what excretes the water from your body so by keeping your electrolytes in check your skin will thank you, too.
ANTIOXIDANTS – The Anti-Aging Police Treating the body from the inside out with Super Antioxidant Blend of A, E, and C vitamins, along with Grape Seed Extract to neutralize the harmful actions of the free radicals that physical activity leave behind will help in the improvement of skin tone and appearance. You will be able to start saying bye-bye to fine lines and wrinkles. Adding these ingredients into your daily life can help detoxify the body, reduce fatigue and increase the life span of red blood cells. During physical activity, your body burns it’s fuel and the leftovers like lactic acid and ammonia can build up in the muscle tissue causing cramping, fatigue, and poor performance. This toxic build-up results in the formation of cell-damaging free radicals.
L-GLUTAMINE -Expedites Muscle Repair & Recovery Directly responsible for converting body fuel into glucose, the basic energy your cells need to function. However, when glucose levels drop (hypoglycemia) and glutamine stores are depleted, your body will actually start breaking down lean muscle tissue for the amino acids it needs to keep performing. By supplementing L-Glutamine stores to help continue the fuel making process, you will help allow the body to have enough resources to repair damaged tissues and maintain lean muscle.
NUTRIENT ABSORPTION – Maximizes Nutrient Absorption What good is relying on a fuel source that just goes right through you? Most powdered supplements are loaded with sugar that churn in your stomach while your body tries to process the sugar and eliminates much of the rest. Krank’d 7-in-1 Body Fuel doesn’t contain massive amounts of these sugars so your body can start absorbing the vitamins and minerals, not the sugar!!
TRI-CARB BLEND – Improves Stamina & Endurance Krank’d 7-in-1 Body fuel contains a propriety tri-carb blend to fuel your body on a short and long terms basis. Simple carbohydrates (like dextrose) give you immediate, explosive power right when you need it. However, unlike energy drinks that leave you flat when this fuel is used up, Krank’d also gives you long term fuel from complex carbohydrates like Maltodextrin and Dextro-Pentose. This steady fuel supply won’t cause a sugar crash that causes the dreaded 2:00 food coma!
Your skin is the largest organ in the body, and even though something might not immediately affect it, it will eventually find a way to catch up. I promise you that contaminating your insides will rear its ugly head on the outside. The more you keep your immune system in line by relieving the toxins from your body the better you will feel and look. Getting proper nitrogen in the body helps in metabolizing your muscles and thus helps body repair. Get Krank’d and I promise your skin will thank you! For more information visit www.krankd.com and www.jbn.com.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You've got great skin . . . for an old bird.

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to do a little photoshoot with a good friend of mine, who I just happen to think is the most amazing photographer ever. Lucky me :) Call me a groupie, if you feel it necessary. He has a cheeky way about him, and when he compliments you, he means it. He can be brutally honest, so when he told me, "your skin on your body is amazing, for an old bird", and asked me what I do, I had to stop and think. I chalk it up to genetics. I have had my share of skin issues, so to hear that was as if I have arrived. In all honesty, I don't smoke, and I am not a big drinker. Partying will kill you, so I prefer to stay a cheap date. In all honesty, since birth there is one very important factor that has been a constant, Olive Oil! So to answer his question, Olive Oil, multi-vitamins, probiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I've been gone for a minute . . .

I recently had surgery to repair an umbilical hernia, I have had since birth. I've lived with a bizarre discomfort, that over the years had progressed to such crazy pain, I could no longer withstand it. Crazy thing is, I didn't even know that I had a hernia until about two months ago. The reason I am telling my story is because health it such a vital thing, and without it we have nothing. My misfortune was extremely minor, compared to most, and I can now say this with conviction; Pay attention to your body! If something seems wrong, see a professional! As I recover, I am beginning to realize I had pain my whole life. I'm so happy to have my health, and appreciate the beauty that life brings me each day. I am recovering sans pain medication, because I simply no not believe in killing or masking pain. I have chosen a natural remedy called Arnica, I have been taking it in pellet form, and place a few under my tongue. It has helped me before and after surgery. I highly recommend it! I'm off to enjoy the beautiful day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Diets Suck!

Lately, it seems that everyone is riding an internal roller coaster, and the stress of day to day life has been taking a toll on just about everyone. The economy has definitely disturbed the peace, and I find myself praying that the upward swing is just around the corner. Stress and depression affect everyone differently, some eat too much, and others eat too little. Let me just start by saying that diets suck, and you can deprive yourself of things you love, but trust me once you're off the diet, you'll go right back to it. In order to change your body, you need to change your life. Loosing weight is one of the hardest things to do, because it is keeping it off that really matters. In order to do this, you must first make a pact within yourself . . . and stick to it! So the word diet in non-existent in my vocabulary. I prefer to refer to it as a lifestyle change.

A lifestyle change is not an easy task, because it is the end to old habits. We all know that as humans, we are creatures of habit. I've heard it takes 21 days to change. I'm not really sure if this is true, but if it is, just think how you could feel after 21 days, of hell :) Now there is a difference between poor eating habits and addiction. If you are an addict, seek help, and stay away from what you can not live without. If you are making poor choices, recognize these and try and create a plan of attack. Good luck!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't believe everything you hear

We all grew up on yummy yogurt, the morning fruity goodness our mothers use to have us eat. If I remotely complained, my mother would always reply, "Eat it, it is good for you." Somewhere along the line Probiotics became very chic, and it is true, it is wonderful for overall wellness. Probiotics were originally thought to help put good bacteria back into our systems, and over time, there have been a plethora of noted positive health effects, too. However, some companies are claiming to have immunity in their product, and they do not http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/On-your-radar/Probiotics/Dannon-pulls-immunity-claim-from-probiotic-drinks. Beware you might not always get everything that you thought you were buying. For more on Probiotics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probiotic